Wednesday, March 14, 2012

If you're building an airplane while it's flying, build fast"

The last part of that statement- "build fast"- caught my eye. Do you often hear of the "speed of doing business" or being open to change and thinking in flexible ways? These and countless other phrases all translate, "if you're going to succeed in any endeavor, you must be open to change, willing to step out before you have all the answers, and GO." Do. Act.

Is part of the success equation not simply the willingness or desire to adapt, change, grow, and innovate... or even the action itself, but also the ability to do so with urgency?

Wishing you blessings and abundance-

Friday, February 3, 2012


For several reasons, I recently adopted a gluten-free diet as an "experiment." My discoveries after only five days of true GF eating?
1). Intentional eating requires planning- spontaneous snacking doesn't work so well in this scenario.
2). While I don't think I'm truly gluten-intolerant, already I feel changes- diminished sugar cravings (and I'm eating plenty of fruit, believe me!), thinning in my face, and my pants have loosened around the belly area. Hmm. Maybe I AM gluten-intolerant...
3). Food and my emotions are closely connected- no shock there, but now (in my early 40s), I'm rather fascinated with how I work, so I'm really paying attention to what triggers emotions and what my options are in those moments.
4). I INTENSELY miss the idea of some foods, but not enough that I've caved and eaten them. And I am very thankful I don't suffer from debilitating forms of gluten intolerance.

Long story short- this experiment has led me to be VERY PRESENT with myself and AWARE of my decision-making,  emotions, and physical/ emotional state. Good things to ponder...
Wishing you abundance, balance, and blessings

PS- IF the GF beef enchilada recipe I'm trying this weekend rocks, I'll share it here :)

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Finding options

It's an old question- some variation of "Could you kill someone if it came down to you or them?"  Sarah McKinley, the young mother who recently  protected her home and family by killing an intruder,  is my model for calm in the face of terror. She is resilient, a trait that will serve her well in life, and has proven that, in the face of evil and danger, she could respond- thoughtfully, aware of her options, and with a clear head. Was she terrified for herself and her baby? I would imagine so.But she was not paralyzed by emotions. She took action, after calling on the only human assistance she would have- a 911 operator. It strikes me that even though she was the victim in the situation, she still identified some choices- she refused to be totally powerless. Had she chosen a different course of action, she (and her child) might be the body(ies) in the morgue instead of the man  with the knife who chose to hunt the wrong 18 year-old mother.

View the story here:

I'm now wondering how often I may have failed to act when faced with a situation (not this extreme, thankfully!) because I did not accurately identify my options. Instead of bemoaning a set of circumstances that I didn't necessarily ask for (or felt that I "deserved"), could I have acted/ responded decisively? Even if the outcome was not ideal, could I have done something instead of passively having something done to me?
Sarah McKinley did not ask for or deserve the situation- it simply was the situation she was presented with at that moment. Her choice was to respond decisively.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Just keep swimming...

Consistency...for me, it's been the most difficult word in the English language. So, in 2012, my BIG resolution is to do things with consistency. To find inspiration (since I'm usually good for about two weeks before those routines fall apart), I've adopted Dory's philosophy (the forgetful fish from Nemo, remember?). Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming... she forgets almost everything else, but she keeps going, an image I've borrowed to represent my commitment to consistency.

Since "being consistent" is still vague and allows me a lot of wiggle-room, I've decided to focus on consistency in these areas for 2012-

1). Writing each day
2). Moving/ exercise each day
3). Spending focused quality time with family (as opposed to the multi-tasking,divided-attention time I am susceptible to now)
4). Spend time each day in the Word of God

What are YOUR top New Year's Resolutions? I'd love to hear what my friends are doing!
Wishing you a year of life abundant!