Thursday, January 5, 2012

Just keep swimming...

Consistency...for me, it's been the most difficult word in the English language. So, in 2012, my BIG resolution is to do things with consistency. To find inspiration (since I'm usually good for about two weeks before those routines fall apart), I've adopted Dory's philosophy (the forgetful fish from Nemo, remember?). Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming... she forgets almost everything else, but she keeps going, an image I've borrowed to represent my commitment to consistency.

Since "being consistent" is still vague and allows me a lot of wiggle-room, I've decided to focus on consistency in these areas for 2012-

1). Writing each day
2). Moving/ exercise each day
3). Spending focused quality time with family (as opposed to the multi-tasking,divided-attention time I am susceptible to now)
4). Spend time each day in the Word of God

What are YOUR top New Year's Resolutions? I'd love to hear what my friends are doing!
Wishing you a year of life abundant!


  1. Laura, I can so relate! One resolution this year I am trying to be consistent about is keeping a gratitude journal of little things each day I am grateful for. It is a good reminder of all the little things God gifts me with each day in spite of any circumstances I may have. You are right in specifying in what areas you want to be more consistent. One thing that keeps most people from following through is being too vague. Just saying you will be more consistent isn't enough....WHAT and HOW will you do that? Good blog! Love you! Joanne

  2. I agree. Here is one thing I am dealing with. A week or two before the new year began, I wrote out my art/business goals for the year. I was specific. By year end, I want to have 20 people following my blog, 100 "likes" for my art page on Facebook, $3000 in sales of art (cards, comission, etc) and to sell a painting over $100 that is NOT a commission, oh, and get my art in the Tomato Arts Festival. Now, I am starting to feel overwhelmed. But I was listening to one of my Joyce Meyer tapes the other day and she was talking about how only God can make things happen, you know, turn the hearts of men. We do the work, he determines the results.
