Monday, April 25, 2011

Miracles afoot in the garden

As an avid and VERY amateur gardener, I've previously dabbled with growing my own edibles, sticking safely with tenacious, easy-to-grow mint (the stuff spreads like kudzu!), predictable herbs, and the trusty container-varieties of tomatoes (with great success, I must add). Well, this year, it's a whole new world in Laura's garden...planting is focused on practicality over other words, that little patch of earth I own better produce some FOOD!

HOW does such a sudden transformation occur, you may wonder...or not, but I'll tell you anyway. I read about it in a book. Inspired by a container-gardening guide I discovered earlier this year, my initial plan to grow "a few veggies" has turned into Green Acres on the Back Patio. I figured if THOSE ladies could do it, certainly I could be a master small-space gardener also. Now, I have no idea if my efforts will actually produce edible vegetables and herbs, but I've been planting, transplanting, and cultivating with gusto this weekend....if enthusiasm counts for anything, we should expect a bumper crop!

And I know I'm an "authentic" gardener because I'm obsessed. Even now, after dark, all earth-working done for the day, my mind is on the garden, where subterranean miracles will be unfolding throughout the night. Imagine it- tender young roots, adapting to their new nutrient-enriched, appropriately hydrated soil homes, are, even while I sleep, engaged in the DNA-mandated acts of growing, living, and (hopefully!) bearing fruit (well, vegetables actually...but you know what I mean) with great abandon. Oh, and talk about miracles- just visualize the transformation of those SEEDS we've planted! Bursting forth with life just because they came in contact with water and soil, the catalysts for all that amazing possibility and stunning growth. They can't even help themselves!

Now, on that overzealous note, I think I must go say "Goodnight, garden" and offer up my own prayers for a forthcoming abundant harvest.

Please enjoy these "before" photos and remember that miraculous workings, unseen on the surface, are unfolding even as you read ( in addition to being a philosophical statement with deeper layers of meaning, that's also my way of saying
"Yes, I know there are a lot of pots of dirt in the picture").

(And yes, those are 3" tomato plants on 4' me an optimist. I have 8' stakes at the ready, too...)

But seriously, I do pray that your own harvest, whether in a garden, in work, or in play, will be abundant and full of blessings.

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